Dec 1, 2010

Do you know what is a hamsa?

What is a Hamsa?

A hamsa is a charm, symbol or talisman used by both people of Islamic and Jewish faiths. 
It is thought to ward off the evil eye and offer protection from the hand of God. 
The hamsa, also called the hamesh hand, looks like a hand with three fingers pointing upward and the thumb and pinky pointing outward. The palm of the hand is commonly covered with an eye.
Earliest use of the hamsa predates Islam, though the name hamsa is Arabic. Some connect the hamsa to its use by the Phoenicians or Punic people in honor of the goddess Tanit. 
She was considered the patron of Carthage, and a goddess who controlled the lunar cycle. Many identify Tanit as an early possible origin for Greek goddesses such as Hera and Athena. 
Jews also use the hamsa symbol to ward off the evil eye. The symbol is connected to the five books of the Torah, and is used for many things. Wall plaques, keychains, and amulets often feature the hamsa symbol. 
Representations of the hamsa symbol may include copies of certain Hebrew prayers, as well.
Though theoretically, wearing of charms or amulets is against Qu’ran law, one often sees plaques in Islamic countries depicting the hamsa symbol. Further, some connect the five fingers of the hand to the Five Pillars of Islam. The Hamsa may be called the Hand or Eye of Fatima, a reference to Muhammad’s daughter. Jewish people may refer to the hamsa symbol as the Hand of Miriam.
Though evidence suggests the hamsa symbol does not arise from either Judaism or Islamic beliefs, recently, some people who advocate for peace in the Middle East between Jews and Arabs, have begun wearing the hamsa symbol. When worn in this fashion it stands for the common ground shared by Jews and Arabs and the common source from which both religions spring. It becomes not a talisman with protective qualities, but instead a gesture of hope for peace in the war-torn regions of the Middle East.

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