Jun 9, 2011

The good wishes of Solomon

This blog is about an ancient source of wisdom - the Seals of King Solomon. These Seals bear the ancient wisdom of King Solomon. This powerful source of wisdom brings harmony in everyday life.
Not only Jews have known the powers of the seals for thousands of years. Christians and Muslims also believe in their powers. The Seal originated from King Solomon's ring- King Solomon the wisest of all men. He wore a ring on which were engraved symbols, letters, names of angels, codes and acrostics of biblical verses.
The most important seals were chosen to make the 925 sterling silver pendants - pendants that are not hallmarked in order to preserve the mystical code.

Solomon Seals

    Profusion Seal

Profusion Seal solomon seals First Pentacle of Jupiter

Profussion Solomon Seal

Seal 1 - The First Pentacle of Jupiter - This pentacle is believed to aid in acquiring prosperity and success in business as well as honors and dignity, all combined with a great measure of peace of mind. This King Solomon Profusion Seal is recommended for acquiring Treasure & Success in Business.

Old traditions relate this seal to the star sign of Jupiter, associated with honours, acquiring riches, as well as preserving health.

    Livelihood Seal

Livelihood Solomon Seal silver

Solomon Seals
Livelihood Seal

"He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of earth" Psalm LLXXII 8.
This seal provides people with constant livelihood in their lives, and helps them manage business and different types of negotiation (job interviews, contracts, buying/selling, etc.)

    Fertility Seal

Solomon Seal for Fertility ]

Fertility Seal

Solomon Seals
This seal contains two parallel lines, which reflect two situations: will and reality. The combination of the letters between the lines is the code which will create this union.
It helps people to fulfill their wishes and innermost dreams, which they consider impossible to do. It is intended for anyone who is infertile- women who can not get pregnant or who miscarry and men whose sperm lacks concentration, mobility and quality. It releases mental stress, which may delay conception. During pregnancy it is believed to protect the mother and the embryo.

    Paths Clearing Seal

Path Clearing Solomon Seal

Solomon Seals

Paths Clearing Seal

"For he has broken the gates of brass, and cut throgh bar of iron" Psalm CVII
This seal helps people to detach themselves from experiences, events, sensations, situations and at times, from being stuck in this or previous life.
The mystical codes written on this seal, along with its shape (a key), constitute a powerful combination resulting in associative, emotional and practical influence. This seal opens paths, removes hindering obstacles and helps people realize latent potential.
Measures 4.5cm in height. The seal part measures 2cm x 2cm.

    Against Evil Eye Seal

Evil eye seal silver

Against Evil Eye Seal

"A song of degrees. They that trust in the LORD shall be as Mount Zion, which can not be removed, but abideth for ever."
Psalm CXXV 1

The Third Pentacle of Jupiter - This type of seal is believed to protect and defend its bearer from, and conquer evil spirits that are around him and in his house, spirits that were invoked by someone to harm the bearer (also known as the Evil Eye).

Solomon Seals

    Wishes Seal

Wishes Solomon Seal

Wishes Seal

"Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death." Canticles VIII 6
This seal blesses people with compassion and helps them to fulfill wishes.
It enables people to understand that the most important wish is to know themselves. To decipher their wishes, to connect with their inner spark, which will create awareness, development that in turn will magnetize the events and the people that will help reach equilibrium, serenity and faith in the process of living.

    Victorious Seal

Victorious Seal

Victorious Seal
Solomon Seals
"My kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and my dominion endureth from age unto age." Daniel IV 34

A Pentacle Seal to Attain Victory

Seal 35 - The Third Pentacle of the Sun - This pentacle is believed to help its bearer in the achievement of social and economical might, as well as glory and fame, of which one desires. Old traditions relate to this seal as the Third Pentacle of the Sun, associated with acquiring materialistic wealth, success when dealing with ruling authorities, eliminating hostile intentions, making friends and gaining hope and foresight.

This talisman is made from .925 sterling silver and measures 5cm (2 inches) in height. The seal part has a diameter of 2cm. The seal hangs on a 45cm sterling silver hallmarked chain. On the seal is engraved a double bordered circle surrounding a square that contains a diamond shaped. Between the two borders of the circle is engraved the verse:

…which is very similar to the last words of the verse from the book of Daniel 31:4, which translates to “My dominion is an everlasting dominion and my kingdom (will go on) with each generation and generation” (although if you look up the English translation of the book of Daniel it gives these words a different translation altogether, which seems more to do with the context than their literal meaning).

At the top between the two borders is marked a star shaped figure.
Inside the circle on the sides of the geometrical shapes, written twelve times is the holiest name of G_d in Hebrew (Tetragrammaton), which is not to be said aloud, or “Jehovah”.

The mystical codes written on the seal and its shape (a key) are a powerful combination for people who want to achieve their goals and dreams in the most successful manner.
The connection to the mental and intellectual powers enables the use of all body and mental resources. This helps people focus on achieving their goals without any hesitation, so the results are the best possible. This realization will lead to fame, popularity and wealth.

    Matching Seal

""And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it." Genesis I 28

matching Solomon Seal
Matching Seal
Solomon Seals

This Seal leads people into situations through which they meet, watch, and identify the match they yearn for.
It helps them to accept this match with love, respect and admiration. It also increases the fertility and harmony within the family unit.

    Recuperation Seal

Recuperation Solomon Seal

Recuperation Seal

The Fifth Pentacle of Mars - This King Solomon Recuperation Seal protects its bearer from demons and dark forces, and submit them to do as he may command. When using this seal it needs to be kept close to the body. It is also advised to keep it in a dark place when not used. Old traditions relate to this seal as the fifth pentacle of Mars, associated with war and military honor, but also courage.

This talisman is made from 925 sterling silver and measures approx. 30mm in diameter. The seal hangs on a 45cm sterling silver hallmarked chain.

"Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." Psalm xci 13 This seal helps sick people to recuperate by chasing away negative forces and connecting to positive channels, and by physical strengthening. It also enables to rationally and emotionally connect with inner healing forces, and to strengthen and activate will power and faith, which influence physical powers.

In the centre circle is the image of a scorpion surrounded from four sides by the Hebrew letter combination:(Hey-Vav-Lamed).
This seal helps sick people to recuperate by chasing away negative forces, connecting them to positive channels, and by physical strengthening.
It also enables to rationally and emotionally connect with inner healing forces, to strengthen and activate the will of power and faith, which influence physical powers.

    Health Seal

Health Seal-silver
Health Seal
Solomon Seals

This King solomon Silver Seal is for Protection Against Diseases & Pains.

Seal 9 - The Second Pentacle of Mars - This pentacle is believed to provide forceful protection against all diseases and bodily pains by applying it to the place of affliction. It can also be hanged over the sick person’s bed. Old traditions relate this seal to the star sign of Mars, associated with war and military honor, but also courage.

This talisman is made from 925 sterling silver and measures approx. 30mm in diameter. The seal hangs on a 45cm sterling silver hallmarked chain. The drawing on the seal shows a ‘Magen David’ (Star of David) encircled by a double bordered circle. In the middle of each of the triangles that form the stars points is written the Hebrew letter ‘Heh’ (‘H’). In the middle of the star on the top is written vertically the word ‘Yud-Hey-yud-vav-heh’, which is similar to Yehovah (‘Jehovah’), though it is read ‘Yehi-Va’. Vertically on the bottom is written the word ‘Elohim’ (God). Horizontally, connecting the two vertical words are written the three letters ‘Heh-Sheen-Vav’.
On the top of the double bordered line is a small ‘Magen David’ and around it is written the sentence: that can translate to: “In which there was life and life was the light of men".
This seal helps people to stay healthy and overcome illnesses, distress, pain and physical traumas.

    Tranquility & Equilibrium Seal

"Wealth and Riches are in his house and his righteousness endureth forever." Psalm CXXII 3

Tranquility & Equilibrium seal

Tranquility & Equilibrium Seal

King Solomon Tranquility Seal Pentacle To Acquire Fortune, Success and Tranquility Of Mind.

The Second Pentacle of Jupiter - Old traditions relate to this seal as the Second Pentacle of Jupiter. It can be used to acquire wealth, glory, honor, dignity and other desirable fortunes. As it is understood from what is engraved on the seal, it is also believed this seal brings its bearer not only good fortunes and success, but also the peace of mind that those who achieve success often find hard to find, whether from fear of being able to maintain their success or from fear of being hurt by those who envy it. This seal can be held close to the body or hanged above the doorway of a business or a home.

This talisman is made from .925 sterling silver and measures 4.5cm in height. The seal part measures 2cm * 2cm. The seal hangs on a 45cm sterling silver hallmarked chain. Engraved on the seal is a circle. On the outer side of the circle we can find the Hebrew words (counter clockwise) that form the sentence:

Psalms 112:3
This verse is taken from Psalms 112:3 and reads: “Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.”

Psalm 112 tells of The Prosperity of the One Who Fears the LORD. There are many ways mentioned in the Torah for one to acquire wealth. Some through performing bad and even evil deeds of deceitful nature based on self indulgent but others, positive ones, through relaying on wisdom, knowledge, humility, righteousness and charity.

Why would the scriptures indulge in our materialistic to acquire wealth? Because it acknowledges people's need for success, but says to them, at least do it in a right, just, caring and honorable way. To the person that chooses the good path to prosperity, he shall not be frowned upon but rewarded with the LORD favor and protection from evil doers and from troubling thoughts that can be induced from success.

In the inner circle we can see The Star of David and various Hebrew letters scattered around and in it, or so it seems...

The six, large letters outside the star form the words (read counter-clockwise) Wealth and Riches. We recognize these words from the outer circle and they read: Wealth and Riches.

The letters that are positioned in the inner side of each of the start points spell the words: Beloved, Which can read: Beloved (is) G_D or Beloved (by) G_D.

The letters within the inner part of the star (read counter clockwise) form that word: I WILL BE, The meaning of the word in Hebrew is "I WILL BE" and "I AM". Which reminds us of the famous answer of the LORD to Moses, when he was standing in front of the burning bush doubting how will the people of Israel accept G_D, as he is formless and incomprehensive to the human mind.

Tranquility & Equilibrium are often set back by fear or driven impulses. Mankind in its nature wishes to find tranquility & equilibrium and yet we often lose it.
The Mystical codes engraved in this seal create the stamina in which the person is in tune with his/her will for tranquility & balance in his/her personal & professional life.
When a person experiences balance he/she is able to see things in an objective way. And with that it assists him/her in achieving inner wisdom that the Seal offers.

    Love Seal

Love Solomon Seal silver

Love Seal

A Powerful Pentacle to Bring the Bearer Love - The Fourth Pentacle of Venus - This seal is believed to be one of great power, capable of forcing the spirits of Venus to obey its bearer and bring to him the person his heart desires. Old traditions name this seal The Fourth Pentacle of Venus, a star sign that is associated with friendship, kindness and love, as well as for pleasant undertakings and traveling.

This talisman is made from 925 sterling silver and measures approx. 30mm in diameter. The seal hangs on a 45cm sterling silver hallmarked chain. On the seal can be seen a circle surrounding a double bordered square on top of another undefined shape. In the centre of the shape is a symmetrical cross. The are various Hebrew letters engraved at different positions inside the geometrical shapes. None of these letters seem to spell any words known to me.

At the top, outside the circle, is a Star of David (‘Magen David’). Also engraved outside the circle are two verses from the book of Genesis. The first, to the left of the Star of David is taken from the verse : “And Adam said This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man “(Genesis 2:23).

The second verse, starting after the “:” sign is taken from the verse : “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

It will also help people to love, accept themselves and express this feeling to others through tolerance, understanding, and equality and by maintaining the boundaries of love and lust.

"This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh." Genesis II 23-24
This seal helps to bring love from "a distance", either when lovers are geographically apart, or when a person feels that the love of parents/ colleagues/ spouse is distant. It will also help people to love, accept themselves, express this feeling to others through tolerance, understanding, equality and by maintaining the boundaries of love and lust.

    Guarding & Protection Seal

Guarding and Protection Seal-silver
Guarding & Protection Seal

This King Solomon Silver Seal Pentacle brings Protection against all evil

The Seventh and last Pentacle of Mars - Old traditions relate this seal to the star sign of Mars, associated with war and military honor, but also courage. This type of seal is believed to confuse the enemy of the bearer or anyone who wishes to harm him. I have read references that claim this instrument (seal) needs to be used by holding it in your right hand and saying the two Hebrew names of God: “EL” (made of the Hebrew letters ‘Alef – Lamed’) and “Yehi” (made of the Hebrew letters ‘Yud-He-Yud’).

This talisman is made from .925 sterling silver and measures approx. 30mm in diameter. The seal hangs on a 45cm sterling silver hallmarked chain. The drawing on the seal is of an eight pointed star encircled by two circles. In the centre of the star is written two of the names of God in Hebrew letters: ‘Alef – Lamed’ (reads EL) and ‘Yud-Yud-Alef-Yud (one of God’s holy names which are not to be pronounced). In the inner circle, between the points of the star, are written some more Hebrew letters and ancient markings. Between the two circles at the top of the seal is drawn a Star of David, and around are written Hebrew names of what has been believed to be the names of demons (spirits) to be invoked by the seal. Please note: this pendant is not hallmarked in order to preserve the mystical code.

This seal helps people wherever they go – traveling, business, work etc. It sharpens people's wisdom to stay away from danger and directs them towards the right way. At the same time it protects against evil eye. "He gave hail for rain, and flaming fire in their land; He smote their vines and also their fig trees" Psalm CV 32-33

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